Documentos y Publicaciones

Resumen de Resultados del proyecto

Artículos en preparación

  • Trends in tidal constants along the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Relationships between Chlorophyll-a and Suspended Sediment Concentration in a high-nutrient load estuary.
  • Tide propagation and salinity distribution response to changes in sea water depth and channel network in the Guadalquivir River Estuary.

Actas reuniones

Contribuciones presentadas en European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU2018):

  • Multi-decadal trend analysis of tidal constituents in the Spanish estuaries. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-13986 [pdf]
  • Strong connection between chlorophyll-a and suspended sediments at tidal scales in a high-nutrient estuary: Analysis of observations and an idealized model study. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-9623 [pdf]
  • Influence of atmospheric pressure on the circulation of a submarine canyon. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-7242 [pdf]

Contribuciones presentadas en el VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences 2018 y en V Encuentro de Oceanografía Física 2018 (ISMS-EOF):

  • Observations and modelling of Suspended Sediment and Chlorophyll-a relationship at tidal scales in the Guadalquivir Estuary. Abstracts Volume VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences, June 2018. Rubio et al. (Eds.) Pag. 53  ISBN: 978-84-8158-788-3.  [pdf]
  • Observational evidences of Strain-Induced Periodic Stratification (SIPS) in the Guadalquivir Estuary.  Abstracts Volume V Physical Oceanography Meeting, June 2018. Gil-Coto et al. (Eds.) Pag. 124 ISBN: 978-84-8158-789-0.  [pdf]
  • Climatic trends of tidal constants. Impacts on estuarine vulnerability indices. Abstracts Volume V Physical Oceanography Meeting, June 2018. Gil-Coto et al. (Eds.) Pag. 70 ISBN: 978-84-8158-789-0.  [pdf]

Entrevistas en Medios de Comunicación.

Video de presentación SENSES. Visualizar.

SENSES en los medios de comunicación. Notas de Prensa.

Resolución definitiva de concesión del proyecto (24/08/2017). Descargar.